How To Set Intentions.

1:27 AM


  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan."she was full of good intentions" 

This year, I plan to make a difference with myself, others, and the community. I have many goals in my head the only thing I have to do is achieve them. My sister who is a very enlightened person has given me knowledge about intentions. She explains that if we tell ourselves our intentions everyday then we will be able to acknowledge it and put those plans into action. Intentions are like goals. We set goals up for ourselves everyday; whether it be for school, work, relationships, or life in general. She believes that we should set our intentions before our birthdays because that is when the real “resolutions” happen and when our intentions can manifest. 

She has giving me a “mala” for Christmas, which is a set of beads that help you focus during meditations. You think of an intention and then you focus those intentions per bead and keep repeating that one intention during your meditation. It also “powerful” if you wear the mala on you because it reminds you of those intentions and turn them into actions. 

These intentions can be anything and everything in life. They can be words or sentences. You can have as much intentions as you please. Write them down in a journal or on a board, somewhere you can always look back at. Here are a few of my intentions:

  1. I intend to be fit by going to the gym 3-4/week.
  2. I intend to be happy with who I am and appreciate my uniqueness. 
  3. I intend to create organic makeup.
  4. I intend to eat healthy.
  5. I intend to help the community more. 

I have so much more written down, but you get the idea. Since both of our birthdays land on February 12th, we have to start manifesting these intentions. 

First things first, think about what you intend to do this year and then write them down. I still have yet to practice remembering my intentions and turning my plans into actions. 

What are somethings you intend to do? 


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