Book Review #1: Big Magic

12:37 AM

I love reading, especially leisure reading. Before I go to sleep I like to take at least 30 minutes to read to help me relax into a peaceful sleep. This is the most recent book that I have read. 

"Q: What is creativity?
A: The relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration."
- E. Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert is the one that wrote "Eat, Pray, Love" This book is different than her other books because it is more of a self growth book and helps others find inspiration in what they do in their daily lives. This book more of a journal to herself but being that it related to a lot of people she published it. There are 6 sections in this book:
- Courage

The main thing to get out of this book is to always be creative and find inspiration in everything you do. When you have lost the creativity or have failed, there is no such thing as giving up. Always persevere and have confidence. Trust in yourself and the Big Magic will always find it's way back. 
I really recommend this book to those who want to keep their creativity thriving. This is the kind of book that you can always look back at and reflect on yourself. 

Have you read this book? Any books similar to this that you have read?


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