Take A Breather

10:00 AM

For me, this week is MIDTERMS week!! My midterms have been more stressful than finals within my whole college career. It definitely is a stressful time and there could be some possible emotional breakdowns. But don't worry - there are ways to cope with stress and take a breather:
These two items have been my life savers! It is the Bath and Body Works Stress Relief Lotion & Candle.

These items have eucalyptus & spearmint essential oils. The eucalyptus helps clear the mind while the spearmint uplifts the spirits. As soon as I enter the room I light the candle and I start my homework. When I'm in a real funk I take the lotion and I massage it through my hands and inhale it while taking a 5 minute break. It really centers me and helps me focus back onto my homework. The lotion is more potent than the candle but they are both equally amazing!

Other than lighting the candle and applying lotion, meditation is always the best thing to help center yourself as well. I use this "Mala" above and I focus on my breath while also focusing on the beads to center myself. If you would like a detailed blog about Meditation I would love to talk about it.

What are things that you use to help relax the mind and body?


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