My Makeup Mishaps (Eyebrow Phases)

10:00 AM

With anything in life you have to start somewhere. There is always a process of trial and error, an abundance of errors. Although there are mistakes we must keep trying to improve our skills and perfect it. Now let me tell ya, my eyebrows went through many many trial and errors.


High School (Senior Year): For the most part of high school I didn't really mess with my eyebrows, until Senior Year. For my prom, "threading" was becoming a big beauty trend. There was a new kiosk at the mall and so I would get my eyebrows threaded there all the time. They were good at shaping eyebrows but they made it quite thin. It didn't really bother me because thin eyebrows were trending as well (yikes).

College: Luckily, my eyebrows grew back. From freshman year until sophomore year I starting waxing my eyebrows, I love the Benefit Brow Bar at my mall, they kept the thickness, but they shaped it nicely.

Filling Eyebrows:

The ending of sophomore year in college I started filling in my eyebrows. This is when I started developing a passion for makeup, but I was still an amateur. Here is where my biggest mistake happened. I had no idea what the purpose was for "filling in" eyebrows. I thought you had to fill eyebrows in with black eyeshadow, so for about 2-3 months I would fill my eyebrows in with black one told me. 

Now, after many many errors I can finally say I understand how to fill eyebrows and understand my face shape compared to others. It wasn't any easy path, it took a lot of practice and somedays are not always my best. But I can say that it is far from what it was. :)

What was a makeup mishap for you? Has it improved? Never give up!!


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