
12 Days of Christmas: 7 Memories from Christmas Time.

7 Memories from Christmas Times Looking back at past Christmas pictures makes me happy. Holidays when families and friends come together to celebrate life, and love. Here are some pictures from my past Christmas's.  First Christmas together 4 years ago calls for Gingerbread Decorations! New puppy for Christmas?!  It's LIT! .. hehe no? Honolulu City Lights!  Baking with an awesome chef hat!  Family...

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12 Days of Christmas: 8 Winter Beauty/Skin Products

8 Winter Beauty/Skin Products Winter season means colder temperature, cloudier days. For beauty that means darker colors and always making sure skin stays silky smooth in cold weather that could possibly crack the skin. Living in Hawaii, I don't get to experience all seasons but the temperature does change, and I always love going for darker colors. Here are some products that I...

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12 Days of Christmas: 9 FAV Christmas Songs

    9 Favorite Christmas Songs   Christmas songs give me so much life!! I start singing them ON Thankgsgiving which is socially acceptable, yeah? Anyways, it's funny how there are only a few christmas songs but so much different versions and it's amazing! All Christmas songs are my favorite, but here are my top 9!   All I Want For Christmas is...

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12 Days of Christmas: 10 ALL TIME FAV Christmas Movies.

  10 Favorite Christmas Movies   The holiday season isn't complete without the enjoyment of Christmas movies. If I could relax all day with some hot cocoa and snuggle with blankets I would! But adulting is in the way of that :) here are my all time favorite Christmas movies:   Home Alone "Merry Christmas ya filthy animal, and a Happy New Year"   Mickey's...

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12 Days of Christmas: 11 All Time Christmas FAVES

  The holidays are my favorite time of the year. Family, presents, nothing but love and laughter. Here 11 things that I consider my favorite holiday things to do:   Wrapping Gifts A lot of people that I know don't like to wrap presents, I personally love doing that because I'm able to try out new styles and I honestly find it relaxing...

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12 Days of Christmas: 12 things on my wish list.

Hello Blogger World, It's been awhile since I last posted, I can't believe Christmas is a week away! Today is a triple bonus post. My plan (that failed horribly) was to post starting this Monday about 12 Days of Christmas and a topic for each day. So today should be day 10 but I will be doing 12-10. YAY. 12 Christmas Wish List Items...

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#girlswithgoals: Casia Joy Yonts

Casia Joy Yonts YAAAY, more girls who love to accomplish goals and never settle for less. My next guest is Casia Joy Yonts. She is one of my cousin's best friends and I met her at my cousin's wedding as she was one of her bridesmaids. I've only met her a few times and within those few times she has been nothing but...

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