Pleasanton Haul

6:29 PM

Pleasanton is a cute city in the tristate area of East California. We went onto the main road where they have local boutique shops and restaurants on every corner. 

The first shop we went to is called “Girlfriend’s Boutique” 

The style of the outfits were a trendy vintage vibe. There was a variety of warm clothes, but I wanted to find something that I could wear back in Hawaii. I found this perfect outfit that can be worn as either a dress or a long shirt with nice leggings/tights. 

It is a very cozy boho country girl style. It fit like a glove and it will be perfect for my first day back to school. 

Lastly, I purchased these turquoise studs with silver lining. Now days I am more of a stud girl rather than a dangly earring type of girl. Being that  California is a Spanish populated area and some Native American lands my goal was to find an affordable turquoise ring, but I couldn’t find any at all. So these studs will suffice and they can go with anything. 

Then I went to a store called “Therapy” they have a lot of bits and bobs as well as clothes. 

I ended up getting a tea infuser because I forgot to purchase one at David’s Tea the other night. It is the cutest hippo enjoying a warm bath. 

I believe that supporting and buying local is a great way to shop. I feel that they have more to offer and provide very unique styles. Compared to a corporate store they have a lot of the same thing where everyone can look a like. But I would still buy items from Forever 21, Wet Seal, etc. if there are clothes that I specifically need. Buying local is just a better option. 

What do you like better, buying local or buying from bigger companies? 


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