June Goals.

12:05 AM

We are already halfway into 2016! How crazy is that. It's been about 4 weeks out of college and only now I have time to relax and figure out what I would like to accomplish for this summer. Here are some of my goals:

  • Find a job. Now that I have graduated, it's time to find a stabled job so that I can start paying my loans. 
  • Continue to work out. My boyfriend and I have started working out (which is a love/hate relationship) but I would like to be consistent with it. 
  • Start eating healthy, it's so easy to just pick up junk food. I would like to be more conscious in what I eat. 
  • Save money. Once I get a new job, I would like to save money so that I can travel out of country. (First stop, Thailand...then London).
  • Be more consistent with blogging. I noticed that I have been lagging since graduation. May has been a busy month and I never had time to sit and blog away. So this month I will be able to! 
  • Continue to make YouTube videos. Since I've moved out of the dorms I haven't found a spot to film looks, so that is my goal. 

These are my goals for this month, what are some goals for your month?


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