3 Things To Do For The SUMMER!

10:00 AM

Sun is out early, days a little longer, air a little hotter...it's definitely SUMMER TIME!! 
There is so much that we can do now that it is time to relax. We could travel, beach out all day and reach get those #tangoals. We could hike all over, and my most favorite part is eating...all day! 

But if those aren't your niche then check out my top 3 activities that I will be accomplishing this summer!

To some people these are very "grandma-like" of me but I think not! During school time I had no time to find new hobbies or even sit down for a few minutes to get in some leisure reading. So this summer I'm going to take advantage of the some-what free time that I have to do so. 

  1. Cross-stitching: Now this has got to be very "grandma" of me but I found a new love for stitching and sewing. At my recent job I was on the sewing committee (although I had no idea how to sew!). During my time on the committee, I realized that hand stitching is very therapeutic, and I wanted to learn more. I found this cross-stitch activity at Wal-Mart for only $2.00! I plan to complete this in June and continue to purchase more! I found some on Etsy, here. These ones are slightly unorthodox but at the same time hilarious, and my cup of tea so I can't WAIT to get my hands on these!  
  2. Tie Dying: This activity is always fun to do no matter the season! But it makes it very "summer style" with this neon pink tee! I'm excited to experiment these colors on this shirt to see how it turns out. I also bought a shirt for my boyfriend's little sister so that she could have fun as well! 
  3. Reading: Most people that I know don't like reading much, or simply don't have the time to do so. I encourage everyone I know to read, it takes you away from reality just for a moment and slip into the unimaginable! I'm currently reading "The Alchemist" which my sister recommended for me, and I'm loving it so far. It takes awhile to understand the deeper meaning, but it's an eye opener for when you do understand (A detailed review will be coming...as soon as I complete the book <3). 
These are some of the things that I will be doing this summer, and encourage you to do as well. It's always fun to do it with a friend too!! 

What are some summer activities that you have planned?


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