July Goals.

10:00 AM

Hello There Blogger World.

It's been awhile since I have posted, I'm having a writer's block/procrastination mood. There is so much things that I want to write about that it is overwhelming, so I end up not writing at all (pathetic!).

So I figure that I will start again, and showing this month's goals! It's crazy how we are already into the second week of July! This month is pretty hectic for me: My brother's graduation party is this weekend and I still have to finalize some things and practice a song for him. My friend's and I are planning a surprise baby shower (exciting!), and I just started a new job so I am trying to get use to it (which I am loving btw!). Anywhos, here are my goals.

  • Start to save money, now that I am a working woman once again! I can start saving my money for my post graduation life!
  • Continue to eat healthy, I continue to tell myself this everyday! I'm very good when it comes to eating healthy but there are times when I binge on all possible junk food. On the weekends it's my "cheat days" but I try not to go overboard.
  • Continue to work out, this goal I need to remind myself again and again. I have been working out for the past month and a half and I may have become more "toned" but weight wise it stays the same. It is quite discouraging but I will continue it till I am content with where I am!
  • Start blogging more. As I mentioned earlier, I have been struggling to blog simple posts. I was doing so good in the beginning and this is the time where I tend to slow down or stop all at once. I've done that so many times that I don't want to give up at all!
  • Plan a SURPRISE Baby Shower. I mentioned earlier my friend's and I are throwing a surprise baby shower and we have a month to get everyone to come and buy supplies and all that. It is going to be stressful but I LOOOOVE planning things.
  • Read at least 5 books this month. So far I have read one and half books, that I plan to review soon. I was in the middle of one book but I put it down because it wasn't my attention anymore but I need to finish what I start! (Any interesting books out there at the moment?)
These are my simple, yet challenging at the same time goals. We are halfway into 2016!! What are your goals for the month?


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