4th of July Weekend.

1:58 AM

This weekend was filled with life, laughter, and relaxation. My family headed down to Lāʻie here on the island of O'ahu. We stayed in a beach house, but since there was a bunch of us, some of set up tents, which I loved to get the full camping effect! We swam, fished, ate, slept, ate some more, slept some more. It was a perfect staycation. For me, this was my first actually relaxation since college graduation. As soon as I finished college I was in a CNA Program which just finished this past weekend. We ended the weekend with some yummy garlic shrimp from Giovanni's, which is located in Kahuku and it very famous and known for their "Scampi" shrimp. You have to go either in the morning, or late afternoon to avoid the lunch rush. I'm so bummed to go back to work and switch my mind back to "reality". Also enjoy this video that I created from this weekend. 

How was your 3-day weekend?!


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